Music and Lyrics by
Doug Goodwin ASCAP
It's easy to be overwhelmed
with the many demands of living
'cause when one thing's done
there's two more things to do
But despite the confusion
and all the fuss
and the running around in a daze
I've discovered how to run the race
I've learned how to slow my pace ...
EVERYDAY I look around and see
The brand new world that life is offering me
And EVERYDAY I take one hour
to stop and rest and think and smell one flower
'cause this is it Right now is all I've got
And it's all up to me if it's going to work or not
That's why EVERYDAY In my own special way
I have more fun
I feel more sun
I Live more Love more Laugh more
C 1984 / 2008 Dougwin Music ASCAP / PO Box 8481 Calabasas,CA. 91302 / All rights reserved /
Worldwide representative Dougwin Music ASCAP / International Copyright secured
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